If you would like to have online or mobile access to your Advantage Program,
IRA, or Investment (Brokerage) account:
For enrollment assistance, please contact Access Online Support at 1-877-488-3748, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
With Access Online, you can securely access up to seven years of account documents, such as Statements, Trade Confirmations and Tax Documents/1099s, as soon as they are created — before they reach your mailbox.
Go paperless and choose electronic delivery of account documents and shareholder communications:
To view your account documents online, select Statements & Docs from the sub menu within the Portfolio menu.
For assistance, contact Access Online Support at 1-877-488-3748.
Account(s) carried by First Clearing. First Clearing is a trade name used by First Clearing Correspondent Services, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company.